Saturday, May 31, 2008

pulling a PD

Today was relatively fun. Went to the Zoo early in the morning to undergo training for the "Zoolympix", an activity our group signed up for for RE. It basically involves us being game masters at certain stations in the Zoo, where we are supposed to engage little kids in interesting games for little kids.

Unfortunately, I am terrible with little kids, so we'll have to see how this turns out.

After the Zoo, I went to Pek's house for some Chinese Chess and Youtube-ing. Here, an interesting thing happened, as Pek's sister pulled a PD. This is what happened...

Pek's sister: Who's your friend, Wenjie?
Pek: Uh...Joshua.
Pek's sister: OH! REALLY?! He looks different.
Me: Ya rly. Hi.
Pek's sister: Nowai.

Firstly, I'd like to take that as a compliment. :3 Secondly, the gay internet slang at the end is purely fictitious, written to inject humour and possibly verisimilitude into an otherwise bland and insipid narrative. Everything else is factual, or at least factual to the extent of my memory.

P.S. If anyone is going out invite me!! :)
P.P.S. Pulling a PD is when you don't recognize someone when the PD-ee in question is in close vicinity or right in front of the PD-er.

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