Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So I was reading this book yesterday and there was this incredibly lame joke. It went:

Three strings go to a bar. The first string goes in and asks the bartender for a drink, but the bartender says "I'm sorry we don't serve strings." The string then comes out and tells the other two strings about this. The second string, not believing the first string, then ties himself to the first string and goes in the bar, but is also rejected by the bartender. Frustrated, the third string ties himself to the first two strings and goes into the bar, asking for a drink. At this point, the bartender asks, "Hey! Aren't you one of those strings?" And the string replies "Nope, I'm a frayed knot." Get it? A frayed knot as compared to afraid not?

Ignoring the lame joke, reading does have its benefits. There are also flash videos about reading! Like THIS ONE! Beware the vulgar little bit right at the end. Also this video is NOT anti-Semitic. Verily, I say.