Today was a horrible day. I had to start fasting since 10 am because of some stupid endoscopy. Then, after enduring thirst and hunger and feeling like a blonde who starved in a grocery store, I arrived at the hospital.
To be precise, I had to undergo a gastroscopy. This is where they stick a thick tube down your throat to take pictures of your stomach. It was very, very, very uncomfortable. For one thing, the room was filled with interns or something just standing around taking notes while I spasmed around. They also gave me some icky tasting anaesthetic solution, which didn't help much. Throughout the entire process, I puked about 8 times and I also could not swallow without my throat feebly trying to contract with the tube blocking everything and shit.
NARGH. On the bright side, I didn't have to go for June camp recce. And the Milo at the hospital was yummy.